Wednesday 14 March 2018

Knee surgery: An important step to relieve the aching knee pain

Knee is one of the strongest joint present in humans and this ball and socket joint connects the thigh bone (femur) with the shin bone (tibia). There are numerous tendons that attaches the knee bones to the leg muscles to move the knee joint, there are also ligaments which join the knee bone and give support and stability to the knee. The knee joint is quite strong but it can get damaged due to either injuries or diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or constant wear and tear of the ligaments. 

Knee surgery MiltonKeynes is done when the debilitating knee pain is not going away either by taking the medicines or attending the therapy sessions. An orthopedic surgeon is the qualified doctor who will analyze the condition of the patient and perform either partial or total knee replacement or knee surgery. Knee joint is constantly used by people every day either sitting down, standing up, running or bending. The cartilage present in the knee can get damage and cause pain, the damage can be a result of any injury, muscle tear or arthritis. The pain restricts the function and movement of the knee making it difficult for person to move his leg. 

Knee surgery MiltonKeynes is a surgical operation in which the orthopedic surgeon surgically removes the damaged part of the knee joint and replace it with an artificial joint. The operation takes two hours and the artificial joint is made of metallic and plastic components and is fixed with the knee bone using special bone cement. After the surgery the patient is moved to a separate room and asked to spend one or two days so that the artificial joint can properly adjust and not cause any trouble in movement.

Monday 5 March 2018

Unicompartment Knee Replacement: A Surgical Procedure To Relieve Pain Due To Arthritis

The knee is one of the most vital and strongest part of the human being. The knee is type of joint that connects the thigh part with lower part of the leg. The main function of the knee is allow seamless movements either a person sits, stands, and walks or bends his body. The knee is built strongly and hardly gets damaged but there are certain bone diseases and sports related injuries which can very much damage the muscle and cartilage present in the knee. The pain felt in knee can be from acute to chronic which can cause tremendous aching. 

There are various pain medications and therapies which can ease the knee pain. In situations when the medicine and therapy is not removing the pain the patient is advised either a partial or total knee replacement. Unicompartment knee replacement also more commonly known as partial knee replacement is a medical procedure which is done to replace only the damage part or portion of the knee. The unicompartment knee replacement is done to when the cartilage surrounding the knee is affected or damaged and slowly wear away due to constant movement of the knee joint. The word ‘uni’ means one and unicompartment knee replacement is done either in the three parts of the knee namely

·         Medial compartment or inside portion of the knee
·         Lateral compartment or outside section of the knee
·         Or the knee cap portion of the knee

The unicompartment knee replacement is a surgical operation that helps to relieve the pain due to arthritis in one of the three compartments of the knee. The orthopedic surgeon who performs the procedure first sedates the patient, then replace the damaged part of the knee with an implant made of metallic and plastic components. The patient is advised to rest for few days and undergo therapy to help the knee to function better.

Friday 5 January 2018

The Need of Acl Surgery Oxford for Athletes and Sportsmen

Knee is an important part of the human body. Knee connects the thigh part of the body with the leg. Knee joint is the strongest joint present in the human body. The knee joint covers three bones femur, tibia and patella. The knee joint is so strong that a person experiences many falls while playing sports or during minor accidents but the knee is intact and seldom gets damaged other than minor pain or ligament tear. 

Acl surgery Oxford or more commonly known as anterior cruciate ligament (Acl) reconstruction is done when people and mostly sportsmen and athletes tear their knee ligament. Acl reconstruction or surgery is done to reconstruct the ligament in the center of the knee. The Acl ligament connects the tibia (the shin bone) with the femur (the thigh bone). A sports playing man or woman may tear his Acl ligament during rigorous exercise or playing on the field. 

Acl surgery Oxford is fairly common in people participating in the sports of basketball, football, athletics and soccer where there is high risk of tearing the knee ligament. A sports playing person may tear his Acl ligament while doing high speed maneuvers, sidestepping or landing awkwardly. The person may experience swollen area around the injury and a lot of pain and discomfort while walking. 

The doctor takes x-rays in hopes of finding the source of pain and any possible fractures. There is a physical therapy method which can be done in cases of partial tear in the ligaments and this is a non-surgical treatment. Acl surgery Oxford involves first sedating the patient with anesthesia. The tissue needed to replace damaged Acl will come from the person’s own body, this is known as auto graft. The procedure is done with help of knee arthroscopy where a camera is inserted which helps surgeon to monitor the operation and look for other damaged ligaments. The surgeon will remove the torn ligament and replace it with the auto graft.